Do Goldfish Sleep?

When I was in grade school, I had the same question as well but my teacher just replied to me with a quirky smile. Now, looking back, it makes me wonder, did my teacher really knew the answer of did he not. If he did, then he should have said yes right? But anyways, what do you think? Do these delicate creatures really go to sleep? How do they sleep? In what manner or position do they sleep?
According to the resources that I have gathered and have learned through books and other online resources, I do have the answer. And it’s affirmative. Goldfish do sleep. And now the next question would be how do they sleep?
Well these amazing creatures have their own ways folks. Maybe they don’t have the luxury of a comfortable bed with nice pillows and other cushions but they do sleep. You can notice if your goldfish is sleeping when it has been on one specific spot for quite a period of time. But the most amazing thing about it is they are actually more alert when they are sleeping. When goldfish sleeps, it is actually more like of a rest for them and that is why they are very aware of what is going on. They also hide on your aquarium decorations just to get the rest that they need.
Goldfish are still creatures that need sleep just like us, humans. It is for the same reason that we have. They sleep because they need to regain strength to last through the day. They are really pretty much like us.
If you are a dedicated goldfish lover, you can help your goldfish have a regular time to take a rest by having a regular time when you will turn on or off your aquarium lights. In that way, your pet will be able to adapt and identify when to sleep and when to swim freely. The same thing goes for giving them food or snack. Assign a specific time on when you will do this because sooner or later, your fish will have their own body clock.
What might be a very obvious feature of the goldfish is that they don’t have eyelids. Because of this, they don’t have the ability to minimize the light that can enter their eyes.  If you will leave your aquarium lights on all the time, it won’t be good for its health because they won’t be able to get the right benefit that they can get when they sleep with lights off.
Do Goldfish Sleep?
Another interesting fact that will let you identify if your goldfish is sleeping is when you can actually see its colour fading away. A goldfish’s colour usually fades when they are sleeping so whenever you see your goldfish being still for some time and its colour are fading, you don’t have to worry. That is actually really good sign. It means that your goldfish is sleeping and regaining health.
These little amazing creatures are really amazing. They are able to find ways on how to survive. Even though they don’t have eyelids, it didn’t stop them from taking a break and getting a good sleep to gain energy and strength to swim. So, help your goldfishes by maintaining a regular time on when to turn off your aquarium lights. It is best if you will sync it with your sleeping time as well.
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